Thank you for completing the questionnaire. We’ll be in touch!

Completing this questionnaire will allow us to learn of your video needs and expectations. It will help us provide the most accurate quote. Not all of the questions may apply to your situation, but please fill out as much info as you can to the best of your ability.

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You are:*
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The type of video I need is a:*
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I need:*
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My Budget is:*
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How familiar are you with the video production or filmmaking process?*
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What is the target video length?*
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Do you have a script or treatment?*
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What do you want the video to achieve? (Check All That Apply)
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What do you want/expect the audience to do after watching the video? (call-to-action)
Empty field
Where will the video be seen or hosted?
Empty field
Will the video be:
Empty field
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How did you hear about us?*
Empty field

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